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Get BIG sound from a small call!
This series of two reed calls are built with the smallest frames and tape available today- the youth or mini frame. They are great for those with smaller pallets or dentures. We experimented with several different latex combinations, stretches and cuts to come up with this diverse but well balanced line. Let these calls add to your calling arsenal with a small call with a big sound!
Mini Red Scorpion- our famous red latex over one proph. reed. Scorpion cut to give maximum diversity. Great all around call for yelping, cutting, kees and clucks n purrs.
Mini Yellow Ghost- our yellow latex over one proph latex. Ghost cutt to get those sweet kees and mellow yelps with a touch of raspiness!
Mini Green V- our standard “v’ cutt call with our green latex over one .003 clear latex. Super raspy and good all around call for cutting, cackling and clucks n purrs.
Collections: Turkey Calls & Blinds
© 2025 Canadian Waterfowl Supplies. /CWS Outdoor Company Ltd.